“My encounter with the Caribou Child and Youth Centre was a personal one. Recently, my young son disclosed abuse, and like all parents I'm sure, felt a sinking in the pit of my stomach and the breaking of my heart for him. This was something no parent ever wants to hear has happened to their child.
As a result of this disclosure, I found myself waiting in line at the local RCMP & GPPS station to give my statement. After waiting in line to talk to the nice lady behind the screen, I found myself waiting again on a little bench, out in the open, watching everyone come in and out. Finally, I was taken back into a very small room and asked to give my statement. And although the officer was quite nice, empathetic and professional, it was not an experience I would ever want to repeat or have my son experience.
It didn't take long, perhaps a day or two, and then my baby was invited to the Centre for his interview. He was met by an amazing team of professionals. Normally he is very shy, but it did not take long for him to become a chatterbox, being very comfortable at the centre as well as with the staff. And without any hesitation went in with the interview room with the RCMP & GPPS. When he came out, he was not in any way nervous, or upset. And when I asked him about it later, he said he wanted to go back sometime so he could play in the waiting room again.
Overall, the experience with the Centre, and the staff there was great. I am so thankful that our community has such a service. I support the Centre and hope that others will too. It only takes once, as an individual to have to make the personal link, to understand how truly invaluable a service like this is. And I write this letter in support of the Centre, requesting others will do the same, support the centre in any way they can. By donation, by word of mouth, or whatever means is available.”
As a result of this disclosure, I found myself waiting in line at the local RCMP & GPPS station to give my statement. After waiting in line to talk to the nice lady behind the screen, I found myself waiting again on a little bench, out in the open, watching everyone come in and out. Finally, I was taken back into a very small room and asked to give my statement. And although the officer was quite nice, empathetic and professional, it was not an experience I would ever want to repeat or have my son experience.
It didn't take long, perhaps a day or two, and then my baby was invited to the Centre for his interview. He was met by an amazing team of professionals. Normally he is very shy, but it did not take long for him to become a chatterbox, being very comfortable at the centre as well as with the staff. And without any hesitation went in with the interview room with the RCMP & GPPS. When he came out, he was not in any way nervous, or upset. And when I asked him about it later, he said he wanted to go back sometime so he could play in the waiting room again.
Overall, the experience with the Centre, and the staff there was great. I am so thankful that our community has such a service. I support the Centre and hope that others will too. It only takes once, as an individual to have to make the personal link, to understand how truly invaluable a service like this is. And I write this letter in support of the Centre, requesting others will do the same, support the centre in any way they can. By donation, by word of mouth, or whatever means is available.”

From a Mother
“It (Caribou) is a god-send. I am so glad they are here. They cannot consider not funding this program. It's a must that these services remain available. They are phenomenal. It feels like a whole team behind you.”

From a Parent
“I'm so glad they're here ... it's a must that these services remain available. They are phenomenal. It feels like a whole team is behind you, even when you just met these people... they have a fine team.”

From a Parent
“The kids loved her (RCMP & GPPS officer). She was very helpful and friendly and explained things clearly.” In fact, for one of the children the parent explained that the child felt better after talking with the officer: “she felt confident and it helped her get over the guilt [of telling] ... she felt better because she felt she had done the right thing.”

From a Parent
"I was worried about the process and the impact it would have on the kids. But they made a difficult situation into a positive . . . I have such a tremendous amount of respect for this place. I’m so glad it’s in the community. It was eye-opening to go through the process. It’s just a tremendous service.”

From a Parent
“We were thrilled about how we were treated - snacks, drinks, unlimited toys and the play rooms. All different rooms so you could go to different rooms on different days.”

From a Parent
“(The counsellor) was great - awesome. She was someone I could open up to, a shoulder to cry on... she understands and was easy to talk to.”

From a Youth
"It helps the way it’s decorated. I don’t want to be walking into a dark place . . . This is definitely better than going to the RCMP & GPPS. The officer was nice when I told her the story. She helped me feel comfortable."

From a Youth
“It felt good because I could tell things I needed to talk about. . . I liked that when I came in, when I didn’t feel capable of telling someone, they helped me feel capable of talking.”

From a Youth
“I love coming to this place because I love playing with the toys. I got a stuffie. And we needed help with [what happened].”

From a Child