Making a report is the first step

  • The Caribou Child and Youth Centre is NOT a reporting agency.
  • Only the RCMP & GPPS or Children’s Services can make a referral to the Caribou Centre for a Child Forensic Interview.
  • In Alberta – Under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act any person who has “reasonable and probable grounds” to believe that a child is being harmed, has an obligation to report it to the proper authorities.
  • In Grande Prairie: To report, call Children’s Services at 1-800-638-0715 or the RCMP & GPPS at 780-830-5701


10031-103 Ave
Located on the 3rd Floor of the PACE Building, Grande Prairie AB T8V 1B9


Phone#: +1 780 814 7223
Fax#: +1 780 538 0960 

Email Caribou Centre